Varicose veins
Varicose veins are permanently dilated blood vessels that occur more frequently in the legs. In order to remove varicose veins sustainably, we use minimally invasive procedures at the Venenzentrum am See. For healthy legs that carry you carefree through your everyday life.
Remove varicose veins
Varicose veins are a common health problem that can affect both men and women of all ages. Varicose veins are dilated veins, often in the legs, that can cause pain, swelling and discomfort.
Read on if you want to learn more about the development, cause, symptoms and treatment of varicose veins.
At the Venenzentrum am See, we place particular emphasis on using non-invasive procedures to remove varicose veins – whenever possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our competent and experienced practice team. We will be happy to advise you.
Why us as your vein doctor?
Over 25 years experience
At Venenzentrum am See, we have specialized in the treatment of vein disorders for about 25 years.
Minimally invasive procedures
As an alternative to surgical treatment of venous disorders, we prefer to use minimally invasive procedures.
Fast & uncomplicated appointment
You can quickly and easily make an appointment online or call us.
Outpatient & painless treatment of venous disorders
The use of minimally invasive procedures allows for outpatient and low-pain treatment.
Comprehensive diagnostics & patient education
We offer a holistic vein clarification with the most modern equipment available.
Practice in central location
Our practice is in a preferred location near the Herrliberg-Feldmeilen train station.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins – also called varicosis, varicose veins or varicose veins – are permanently dilated blood vessels that occur more frequently in the lower extremities, such as the thighs or the back of the knees. But varices can also form on the testicles or in the esophagus. The nodular, tortuous veins develop when blood backs up in the veins. They emerge outward and shimmer bluish or violet through the skin.
Are varicose veins dangerous?
Varicose veins are the most common venous disease in Switzerland. In contrast to the usually harmless spider veins, however, advanced varicose veins can also become dangerous and lead to persistent ulcers, an “open leg”, phlebitis, venous bleeding or venous thrombosis. This is why health insurance often covers the cost of removing varicose veins, as opposed to the expense of treating spider veins.
Varicose veins: Development
In healthy veins, the valves ensure the correct transport of blood from the legs back to the heart. If these valves lose their ability to close due to the dilatation of the vein and thus their valve mechanism, there is harmful backflow (reflux) and congestion of the blood in the leg veins.
As a result, the veins dilate, get longer, and become tortuous. The typical image of visible varicose veins develops.
Over time, the chronic overpressure leads to increased leakage of fluid, protein, and blood cells into the surrounding tissue. This results in swelling, induration, and brownish discoloration of the skin, mainly around the ankles.
In severe cases, skin and fatty tissue become so poorly perfused that the skin dies. This leads to an “open leg” (lat. ulcus cruris). The aim of any treatment is to prevent this by reducing or eliminating venous return.

Varicose veins causes: Where do varicose veins come from?
Varicose veins (varicosis) are largely genetic. However, the main cause is weak vein walls and valves.
At the age of 30 years, 20% of the examined legs already have veins with reflux. Spider veins and varicose veins often take years to become visible, and it takes even longer for skin changes to develop.
Additional factors such as obesity, lack of exercise and pregnancy promote the development of varicose veins or can aggravate the condition.
Varicose veins: symptoms
Symptoms of varicose veins can vary from person to person. The first signs are a feeling of tension and heaviness or pain and swelling in the legs after standing or sitting for a long time. Other symptoms of varicose veins also include discoloration and hardening of the skin.
The symptoms usually increase with high temperatures and during the day. In addition, varicose veins can cause the skin to itch or tighten. Many sufferers also complain of sensations of discomfort, restlessness and warmth in the legs.
Over time, swelling may increase. They are caused by the increased pressure in the pathologically altered veins, which causes fluid to be pumped into the surrounding tissue.
The appearance of varicose veins does not always tell you about the severity of symptoms. Little noticeable veins can cause severe pain, while large, thickened varicose veins cause no discomfort.
Varicose veins diagnosis
Initial consultation interview
Varicose veins are easily recognizable by their specific appearance. At Venenzentrum am See, the first step is a detailed consultation with a physician to clarify current symptoms, risk factors and other conditions.
Palpate body
This is followed by a physical examination, during which the doctor feels the legs and looks in particular for visible swelling, changes in the skin and varicose veins , which may indicate inflammation.
Ultrasound examination
Both the superficial and the deep venous system can be examined by ultrasound examination. This allows poorly closing venous valves or blood circulation disorders to be identified and our phlebologist can assess how pronounced the varicose veins are and what form they take.
Remove varicose veins: treatment methods
The oldest form of therapy to remove varicose veins is compression therapy (compression stockings or bandages). These must be worn daily and for life.
By the way, our varicose veins treatments have made us famous all over Switzerland. That is why we also treat, for example, many patients who are looking for a vein center near Zurich, near Pfäffikon or near Zug.
Operate varicose veins
The most common treatment to date is surgical removal of the abnormal veins. In this procedure, the truncal veins are threaded and pulled out with the help of a wire (stripper). For this “stripping” either the groin (for the great saphenous vein) or the popliteal fossa (for the parietal vein) must be opened. This procedure is usually performed under spinal anesthesia or anesthesia in the hospital.
Superficial, tortuous varicose veins are additionally treated by so-called phlebectomies (hook method) via approx. 1 mm long stab incisions. As a result of this intervention, the blood can again use other healthy veins, which are available in sufficiently large numbers.
Varicose veins laser
With so-called endovenous procedures the great saphenous vein or parval vein (in exceptional cases also other veins) is no longer removed surgically, but by heat.
In this procedure, the diseased vein is punctured and a catheter is inserted. With the aid of this catheter , the vein is heated, caused to shrink and thus closed. For endovenous procedures, the laser technology, the radiofrequency technique or the ClosureFast technique (CLF) are available.
Injecting away varicose veins
During the sclerotherapy of varicose veins – sclerotherapy – the diseased vein is punctured with a needle and a certain amount of foam is injected. The sclerosing agent damages the inner wall of the vein so that the respective vessel is selectively degraded. The blood now seeks out other, healthier veins to supply it.
In branch varices, polidocanol (Aethoxysklerol® or Sclerovein®) foamed with air is injected into the veins under control with ultrasound. This leads to irritation of the vein wall and subsequently to occlusion of the vein. However, it is not uncommon for this to require several treatments.
Sclerotherapy can be applied to all superficial veins. In some cases, it is even possible to eliminate truncal veins. The method is also particularly suitable for eliminating recurrent varices. Possible side effects include temporary palpable induration and pigmentation. These are local discolorations along the treated veins due to deposition of blood components in the skin.
Prevent varicose veins
Regular endurance sports, vein gymnastics, and weight in the normal range can prevent varicose veins.
However, with increasing age and genetic predisposition, risk factors that cannot be influenced also play a role in varicose veins.
Thus, even people who observe preventive measures are not completely protected from the development of varicose veins.

Recurrent varicose veins: types of varicose veins
Recurrent varicose veins are varicose veins that can reappear over the years after all forms of therapy. They often originate in the operated groin or in veins in the upper or lower leg that connect the superficial venous system with the deep system (venae perforantes).
The cause may be incomplete treatment. In most cases, however, a genetic predisposition is responsible for the development of further varicose veins.
Recurrent varices are still frequently treated today by means of a further operation (recurrent surgery). We prefer to use modern, minimally invasive procedures, especially for recurrent varices. Often, endovenous thermal ablation is combined with phlebectomies and foam sclerotherapy.
Patients with severe varicose veins are therefore advised to have check-ups one year after treatment and every few years thereafter. In this way, newly appearing varices in their early stages can be detected and removed at an early stage by minor surgery. In most cases, foam sclerotherapy is sufficient.

Varicose veins - When should I go to the doctor?
Timely diagnosis and treatment prevent complications and progression of the disease. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is advisable already at the first signs.
Removal of varicose veins - cost coverage by health insurance?
The cost of removing proven varicose veins is covered by all health insurance companies.