Venous disorders
Venous disorders refer to functional disorders of the veins, with the leg veins being the most commonly affected. Depending on the severity, cosmetic blemishes such as spider veins to more severe venous disorders such as varicose veins or thrombosis may develop.
The venous system
What are veins?
The venous system is a network of vessels consisting of superficial and deep veins and their connections (perforating veins). The superficial veins run just under the skin and collect blood from the skin and lower tissues. Deep veins are usually surrounded by muscle and found in deeper tissue layers of the body. They transport blood from the muscles back to the heart and contain most of the blood of the venous system. Connecting veins provide the contact between superficial and deep veins.
Varicose v eins, medically called varices, are pathologically altered veins of this system. The most important veins for the treatment of the legs are the great saphenous vein (great rose vein) and the parva saphenous vein (small rose vein) with their respective side branches.

Venous valves and their function
Thanks to the valves in the veins, the blood flows in only one direction: back to the heart. When the muscles tense, the veins are compressed, causing blood to be pumped through the veins toward the heart. Meanwhile, the valve-like venous valves prevent the blood from flowing back by unfolding.
Was sind Venenleiden?
Venenleiden sind eine Volkskrankheit: Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass rund eine halbe Million Schweizer unter einer chronischen Venenschwäche leiden – jeder Dritte hat Krampfadern. Dabei sind Frauen häufiger von Venenleiden betroffen als Männer. Doch was sind Venenleiden?
Venenleiden bezeichnen Funktionsstörungen der Venen: Gerade die Beinvenen arbeiten oft nicht mehr richtig und es treten Veränderungen auf. Je nach Ausprägung bilden sich kosmetische Makel wie Besenreiser bis hin zu stärkeren Venenleiden wie den Krampfadern. Entzünden sich die Venenwände sprechen Mediziner von einer Venenentzündung. Eine Thrombose oder Embolie können schwere Folgen sein. Wichtig ist, sich frühzeitig um die Gesundheit der Venen zu kümmern und Venenleiden von einem Facharzt abklären zu lassen, um gefährliche Folgen zu vermeiden.

Vein disease – Causes
Vein disorders can have different causes, which are not always necessarily related to age.
Veins have the task of transporting the oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Muscle pumps help them to do this. If the muscle pump no longer functions fully, the venous valves can no longer close properly and the blood backs up. The pressure on the blood vessels deforms the superficial veins and later also the deep veins: Venous disorders are the result.
Other causes can be an inherited or age-related weakness of the connective tissue, lack of exercise, but also changes in hormone balance due to taking the pill or pregnancy. A hereditary predisposition can also trigger certain vein conditions.
Venous disease – risk factors
Venous disease is promoted by a variety of risk factors:
- Age: Older people usually move less and the elasticity of the connective tissue decreases with age.
- Overweight: The load on the leg veins increases with increasing weight.
- Lack of exercise: A lack of exercise can cause the muscles to slacken and the muscle pump to stop working properly.
- Diseases: Certain conditions, such as heart failure, can lead to increased pressure in the veins.
- Hereditary factors: Vein disorders are often hereditary and occur more frequently in certain families.
- Hormone changes: Hormonal influences such as taking the pill can increase the risk of venous disorders.

Venous disease – Typical symptoms
The symptoms of venous disorders are manifold: Tired as well as heavy legs and pain after prolonged standing or walking can be the first signs. In the later course, calf and foot cramps occur, as well as strong feelings of tension in the legs. Other symptoms may include a brownish discoloration of the skin, water retention, but also eczema with itching.
Treat venous disorders
Depending on the vein condition and stage, different treatment options are conceivable. However, the goal is always to restore improved blood flow.
The basic treatment for venous disorders is compression therapy. Compression stockings or elastic bandages exert pressure and compress the veins so that they can transport the blood better again. However, compression treatment does not prevent the progression of varicose veins. They are mainly suitable for symptom relief.
Vein gymnastics as well as yoga and Pilates help to stabilize the vascular walls and activate the muscle pump. However, sport only has an effect on the deep venous system.
Depending on the vein condition, different therapies may be useful. Spider v eins are often treated by means of sclerotherapy. The cost of spider vein removal is rarely covered by health insurance. Effective therapies for varicose veins are
endovenous procedures
such as
radiofrequency therapy
and surgical interventions such as
or a
. Whenever possible, we avoid surgical procedures and use the new
endovenous thermal ablation
procedure. By the way, the costs of varicose vein removal are often covered by your health insurance.
Our experience has made us known throughout Switzerland. For example, we also treat many who are looking for a vein center near Zurich, near Pfäffikon or a vein center near Zug.
Why us as your vein doctor?
Over 25 years experience
Im Venenzentrum am See sind wir seit rund 25 Jahren auf die Behandlung von Venenleiden spezialisiert.
Minimally invasive procedures
As an alternative to surgical treatment of venous disorders, we prefer to use minimally invasive procedures.
Fast & uncomplicated appointment
Sie können schnell und unkompliziert online einen Termin vereinbaren oder uns anrufen.
Outpatient & painless treatment of venous disorders
Der Einsatz von minimal-invasiven Verfahren ermöglicht eine ambulante und schmerzarme Behandlung.
Comprehensive diagnostics & patient education
We offer a holistic vein clarification with the most modern equipment available.
Practice in central location
Our practice is in a preferred location near the Herrliberg-Feldmeilen train station.
Our treatment spectrum – Vein doctor Feldmeilen
Endovenous thermal ablation
Endovenous therapy includes the closure of varicose veins by heat or with glue.

For the sclerotherapy of spider veins and varicose veins we use liquid sclerotherapy and foam sclerotherapy with success.

Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove varicose veins from the side branches of the truncal vein.
Make an appointment!
Our vein doctors at the Lake Vein Center specialize in modern minimally invasive methods for treating vein conditions. Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise and let our competent team advise and treat you.