Your vein doctors at Venenzentrum am See in Feldmeilen
We help you get healthy legs that will carry you through everyday life.
At Venenzentrum am See, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of various vein conditions. As vein doctors in Feldmeilen, we take care of the treatment of spider veins, varicose veins, phlebitis, and thrombosis. If you are looking for a competent and experienced medical practice that will help you achieve healthy but also visually beautiful legs, you have come to the correct address at Venenzentrum am See in Meilen!

Corius Venenzentrum am See AG
General-Wille-Strasse 59
CH – 8706 Feldmeilen
T: +41 (44) 922 44 00
F: +41 (44) 922 44 05

Office hours
Monday till Friday
8:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 17:00
Consultation hours after

For referrers
We are looking forward to your
referrals and the cooperation in Feldmeilen
and in the surrounding area.
Venenzentrum am See
We are pleased that you have taken the time to inform yourself about modern procedures and costs of treatment of spider veins as well as varicose veins and our offer. Our practice team in Feldmeilen around Prof. Dr. Enzler and Dipl. Lisa Högger, M.D. has been dealing with venous disorders for about 25 years.
Since 2011, we have been welcoming our patients in the listed former factory building of Café Hag in Feldmeilen. This preferred location near the train station Herrliberg-Feldmeilen with excellent connections (S6, S16) and sufficient parking spaces offers optimal accessibility.

Why us as your vein doctor?
Over 25 years experience
At Venenzentrum am See, we have specialized in the treatment of vein disorders for about 25 years.
Minimally invasive procedures
As an alternative to surgical treatment of venous disorders, we prefer to use minimally invasive procedures.
Fast & uncomplicated appointment
You can quickly and easily make an appointment online or call us.
Outpatient & painless treatment of venous disorders
The use of minimally invasive procedures allows for outpatient and low-pain treatment.
Comprehensive diagnostics & patient education
We offer a holistic vein clarification with the most modern equipment available.
Practice in central location
Our practice is in a preferred location near the Herrliberg-Feldmeilen train station.
360° tour Venenzentrum am See in Meilen
Treat venous disorders
Venous disorders are widespread diseases: estimates suggest that around 60% of the general population suffer from more or less severe venous disorders. Women are more frequently affected by venous disorders than men.
Venous disorders refer to functional disorders of the veins: The leg veins in particular often no longer work properly, and changes occur. Depending on the severity, cosmetic blemishes such as spider veins to more severe venous disorders such as varicose veins may form. If the vein walls become inflamed, doctors call it phlebitis. Thrombosis or embolism can be serious consequences.
It is important to take care of vein health at an early stage and to have vein diseases clarified by a specialist in order to avoid dangerous ramifications.

Varicose veins
Varicose veins are dilated veins that can often cause pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs.

Spider veins
Spider veins are small, clearly visible reticular or fan-shaped veins that have a slight bluish tinge. They are usually not malignant.

In phlebitis, the vascular wall of a superficial vein becomes inflamed – usually in the arms and legs.

Thrombosis is a serious condition in which blood clots form in the veins and block vital blood flow.
Treatment spectrum – Vein Clinic Feldmeilen
The range of treatments has expanded and improved significantly over the past 20 years. For most people with varicose veins, there is a solution or relief. We vein doctors at the Venenzentrum am See in Feldmeilen specialize in modern endovenous treatment methods, particularly thermoablation of diseased truncal veins with radio waves (ClosureFast® = Venefit®), radial laser (ELVeS Biolitec®) and sealing with adhesive. We have abundant experience of many years.
These procedures allow for outpatient, low-pain removal of varicose veins at our vein center. We perform the procedures under local anesthesia, without hospitalization and anesthesia, and usually without loss of work. Only very rarely is conventional surgery with stripping and crossectomy still appropriate. We can treat smaller varicose veins and spider veins with good and lasting success with injections or sclerotherapy on an outpatient basis. Due to our expertise, we also treat patients who are looking for a vein center near Zurich, near Pfäffikon or near Zug.

Endovenous procedures
Endovenous therapy includes the closure of varicose veins by heat or with glue.

For the sclerotherapy of spider veins and varicose veins, we use liquid sclerotherapy and foam sclerotherapy with great success.

Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove varicose veins from the side branches of the truncal vein.

A widely used method is the surgical removal of pathologically altered veins by “stripping”.
Make an appointment!
Our vein doctors at Venenzentrum am See specialize in modern, minimally invasive methods for treating vein conditions. Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise and let our competent team advise and treat you.
Patient testimonials